Copyright 2011, Linda Mae Dennis

All rights reserved

December 25th - American Day (and Christmas, and Dad's Birthday - Happy Birthday, Dad!)
We slept late this morning and had a leisurely cup or two of coffee before really starting the day. For brunch we had Potato Corn Pancakes - my favorite! Patrick experimented with putting chocolate chips in some of them. Hmmm.

Just as we were finishing getting the stuff out of our stockings, the sun came out. So we got ready to go disc golfing. We were surprised to find the local disc golf course well-populated with 'frolfers' (no other women though!). We had lots of fun frolfing, even though we really didn't have the right equipment. Just several old plastic frisbees, rather than nicely weighted discs.

When we finished 'frolfing', we weren't out of fuel yet, so we went for the 'hour long walk' around our neighborhood even though the weather was looking a bit iffy. We did get caught in a shower, and came home pretty wet, but with rosy cheeks and a good appetite.

We had a snack of turkey or tofu sandwiches.
When I suggested to Patrick that perhaps the drink of American Day should be beer, he replied that we really want to be gluttonous, not glutinous. heehee.

Still to come: Puzzle, Football, Trivial Pursuits, and Apple Pie!